We gather on Tuesdays at 6 pm ET via Google Meet and on Saturdays at 10 am ET via teleconference. Please feel free to join us. Dr. Wynee's ministry is open to people from all walks of life.
Wednesday 7 pm ET Google Meet: Begins 10/05/2022
to join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join the Google Meet by phone, dial: +1 419-718-1296 and enter this PIN: 237 571 934# - to view more phone numbers, click this link:
2nd and 4th Saturday 10 am ET Conference Call: Advance class by invitation only. Send an email for more information.
A Safe Place to Heal | Grief Support Group
This is a safe place for guidance, support and togetherness during what can be a very confused and lonely time. I have been alone during some of the worst seasons of my life. Now it is part of my life’s mission to see to it no one has to be alone. I will be praying for you and offering support live once a week.
Wednesday 9 pm ET Google Meet:
To join the video meeting, click this link
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 402-989-0297 and enter this PIN: 204 047 256# To view more phone numbers, click this link:
Caregivers Connection | A Support Group
This is a nurturing place for caregivers to find support and comfort during challenging times when loved ones need a lot of care or the circumstances become overwhelming. It's a blessing to be able to care for our loved ones in their time of need, but it can also be draining and isolating. I've walked this path and have compassion and empathy for caregivers.